The St Catherine's Respect Life Ministry recognizes the dignity of each individual as created in the image and likeness of God and seeks through faith, hope, and love, to protect and promote the sanctity of God's children from the moment of conception to natural death through prayer, education, and outreach.
While we realize that Respect Life includes everyone, including the handicapped, the poor, the homeless, and the elderly, the focus of our ministry is on the issues of abortion. Abortion takes the lives of approximately 800,000 babies each year in the United States and 42 million worldwide. Abortion is an intrinsic evil, meaning that it is never permitted or morally justified, regardless of individual circumstances or intentions. Because of this, we are actively involved in:
Helping to end abortion.
Helping mothers and fathers in an unplanned pregnancy.
Helping mothers and fathers that need help caring for their child(ren).
Helping women who have had an abortion seek healing and repentance.
Working with the next generation to promote the preciousness of life beginning at conception.
Our major events and activities
Mary Garden Improvements
The Mary Garden is the area on the southwest side of the church, which is accessible from the west side handicap parking lot.
In 2021, major improvements were made:
Communicating Respect Life / Gospel of Life information from the USCCB
For more information, go to
Organizing "Baby Showers" to collect items for local Pregnancy Resource Centers
(Caring Network and Alternatives).
For more information about Caring Network, please go to
For more information about Alternatives, please visit
Encouraging and coordinating participation in the following:
40 Days for Life - For more information, go to
LifeChain - For more information, go to
National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children - For more information, go to
Annual March for Life in Washington, DC - For more information, go to
Communicating key state and national laws and legislation
Engagement of our youth
If you are interested in learning more, please go to or complete the form below to join the Respect Life Ministry Flocknote group and get up to date information about events and discussions. You may also send an email to [email protected].